Puerto Rico Photo Book…

The Puerto Rico book I put together is here. It turned out really nice. It is 40 pages and features 160 photos from my trip in late March. Here are a few photos I snapped of it.

In other news. A bird couple decided to make the fern on my porch into their home. Further documentation of this hostile act coming soon.

Oceans Over Monuments

Shot some promo photos for a local band Oceans Over Monuments, around downtown Wilmington the other night.

Some random girls decided to be a part of the shoot.

Azalea Festival – Fireworks & Soja

My first attempt at shooting fireworks. It seems like everytime I try to make it down there, its always just a little too late. This time I skimmed in at the last second. I also shot some photos of Soja playing. Click here for a full slideshow!!!!

Click the photos above to view larger.