Puerto Rico Photo Book…

The Puerto Rico book I put together is here. It turned out really nice. It is 40 pages and features 160 photos from my trip in late March. Here are a few photos I snapped of it.

In other news. A bird couple decided to make the fern on my porch into their home. Further documentation of this hostile act coming soon.

Miles Weber…

Baby Photography by Chris Zachary Photography. Here’s a set from a recent session with Miles.

Hola from Puerto Rico!

Well, not really. I’m home now. Took a week and a half off and headed down to Puerto Rico for some adventuring March 28-April 6. Took all kinds of photos and did all kinds of fun stuff. Had a really great time. I’ve put together a photo book of my favorite photos. It’s 40 pages and features 150 photographs from our travels and is available in softcover for $59.99 and hardcover for $89.99. Click on the following link to view a PDF of the book. http://www.chriszachary.com/photos/PR2010BOOK.pdf. Contact me for ordering chris@chriszachary.com. Here are a few photos.