Flying skateboards.

I was thinking about this photo the other day, and thought I would look it up. One of the things about skate photography, ecspecially with a fisheye, you have to get in so close to get a good shot. You also have to be sure to get the skaters face in the shot as well. Well, the problem with that is you have to place yourself in a pretty dangerous spot, making you vunerable to flying skateboards. On this particular shot, Tom was going for a feeble and shot his board out, luckily (thanks to my cat-like reflexes) I got the shot off and got the camera out of the boards wrath. My shoulder wasn’t so lucky.

Click to enlarge.

Greenfield Skateboarding.

A few photos of Tom Hyson and Marky Clements skateboarding at Greenfield Concrete Park in Wilmington, NC. Click the photos for a small slideshow.

Tom Hyson

Shot some photos for Tom Hyson outside Whiteville, NC. This guy rips.