The Hottness

Had a shoot with the Hottness yesterday. We got some winners for sure, but I don’t want to spoil the fun, so I’ll just post up this one. Hopefully some of these will be used for their new album coming out early next year. For more from The Hottness, but sure to stop by their myspace page, Click the photo to view it larger.

I’m still alive…

Those who visit this site frequently, have surely noticed the lack of updates. Well, internet is down at the house. So I haven’t been able to add any new content. I have a few projects going on, and I will post up the results as soon as the internet get fixed. For now, here is a shot from a shoot I had yesterday is the Hottness guys, for a ESP Guitar Catalog.

Click on the photo to view it larger. Keep checking back for more updates!

The Hottness @ Lucky’s

The Hottness

The Hottness

Click on one of the photos for a complete slideshow.