Raleigh skatepark day…

Went to the new raleigh park today, which turned out to be the ribbon cutting ceremony. It actually ended up being pretty empty after the ceremony, cause I guess no one is dumb enough to go on the grand opening day. But we actually scored it fairly empty. Sessioned once, then had to make a trip to the emergency room, and 6 stitches later, we returned once more and shot these photos. Then headed to wake forest to skate Factory. All in all a fun trip.

Adam Robert

Shot this in Boone a couple months ago. One of my favorite recent shots. Click to view it large

Charlotte Mega Session…

Had an epic blade session in Charlotte this past weekend. About 50 rollerbladers from North and South Carolina came out to skate. Good times all around. Didn’t get as many photos as I would of hoped, since I was skating the majority of the time, buy I managed to snap this shot of Thomas Martin souling this drop rail, and the other is of Adam Robert frontsiding the curved gate.

More Greenville Photos…

Click either image for a slide show of all images.


This is an old shot of Montre in Charlotte, NC.
Congrats to Montre for winning the Bittercold Showdown in Detriot, Michigan this weekend. Check out the clip below of him lacing a FAKIE 720 AO SOUL 360 OUT!

Montre WINS!!! – Rolling Mission BCSD Coverage! from Jason Reyna on Vimeo.

Greenville, NC – Day One

Here’s just one shot of Chad in Greenville. It late and im tired so I’ll post up more later. We were at this spot for like 20 mins, we got the shot, then as we were leaving a guy comes out and asks us to leave, so we said we were on our way out. We got to the car, and a cop comes cruising up on a segway, once again telling us to leave. Then shortly after a cop car pulls up behind us. So we just bounce. Greenville cops must not get much excitement.

Click to enlarge.
Check back soon from more photos, I’ll prob just put together an album, because we’re shooting again tomorrow.

I managed to get in front of the camera for a change. This one is yours truly with a fishy, snapped by Car. Finally some recent pictures of myself.

Whitney Ham

Forgot about this one. Found it on Be-mag website from 2005. This is Whitney Ham in Charlotte, NC. Shot with my 35mm on B&W film.Click to enlarge.

Art Museum

Shot this a few hours ago. Had to find a wall outlet outside to charge my receiver, since it unknowingly turned on in my bag, draining the battery. We’ll probably go back to this spot later in the week to grab some more shots. Click on it to enlarge.