May Sunrise…

Woke up early and went out to the North End of Carolina Beach to take some shots of the sunrise. Wasn’t the best I’ve ever seen, but it’s very rare that I’m up early enough to see ever see it, so I gave it a shot (pardon the pun).

Here’s one, I’ll post up more later.

Easter Sunset…

Had Easter dinner down at Wrightsville Beach last night. As some storm clouds were moving in, I noticed rays of sun shining through the clouds, so I went out onto the dunes and shot a few shots. Here’s one.

Another HDR

Pleasure Island Landscape HDR.

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This is my first attempt at HDR. The photo is an older one, but its one of my only older landscapes that I shot in RAW. As you can see from the image the photomatix watermark is still on the photo, as I haven’t purchased the software yet. This effect would be really helpful in situations, such as this one, where the sky is bright, and the foreground is underexposed. I plan to try this sometime soon on a shoot where I can pre-plan for this effect.

Original Photo

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