More Greenville Photos…

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Greenville, NC – Day One

Here’s just one shot of Chad in Greenville. It late and im tired so I’ll post up more later. We were at this spot for like 20 mins, we got the shot, then as we were leaving a guy comes out and asks us to leave, so we said we were on our way out. We got to the car, and a cop comes cruising up on a segway, once again telling us to leave. Then shortly after a cop car pulls up behind us. So we just bounce. Greenville cops must not get much excitement.

Click to enlarge.
Check back soon from more photos, I’ll prob just put together an album, because we’re shooting again tomorrow.

I managed to get in front of the camera for a change. This one is yours truly with a fishy, snapped by Car. Finally some recent pictures of myself.