Puerto Rico Photo Book…

The Puerto Rico book I put together is here. It turned out really nice. It is 40 pages and features 160 photos from my trip in late March. Here are a few photos I snapped of it.

In other news. A bird couple decided to make the fern on my porch into their home. Further documentation of this hostile act coming soon.

Photo Of The Week – 10/06/08

So I forgot to post a photo of the week on monday, so were gonna pretend it’s monday. Took this photo in Puerto Rico on April 7th, 2008 at 5:30AM. We got up on the roof early in the morning to catch the sunrise over the mountains. This is actually a shot from a time lapse I did of it rising. Click here for more photos from this trip.

Puerto Rico April 4th-14th

El Yunque Bananaquit

For a 13 image slideshow from the trip, click on the photos.